Thursday, November 12, 2015

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Dear Parents,

            It is with a sad heart, but well wishes that we are saying goodbye to second grader, Gavin, and his wonderful family next week. We will have a Farewell and Good Luck Ceremony next Thursday. I also asked Gavin what would be one thing he would like to do before he left and he immediately said, “A Read-In!” So, next Tuesday, November 17 we will have a class Read-In. We will start the day with waffles and juice. Students may bring their favorite books, a pillow, and a stuffed animal. The students will read, be read to, and participate in other reading activities. If you would like to bring in your favorite picture book and read it to the class, please let me know. There are no specialists that day, so morning or afternoon times are available to share your book with the class. This should be a fun way to celebrate all we have gained by having Gavin as part of our Room 177 family!      
            Please help us with our Denali Montessori Food Drive. We are collecting all the pieces to make great holiday meals for our Denali families in need. Each class is contributing a specific item and ours is a can of corn. If you could bring in a can of corn for those in need, it would be much appreciated!
Thursday, November 19 is Denali’s Literature Night! Please join us from 6:30-8:30. There will be games, art, food, and more in this great community event!
Our class is going to have a Thanksgiving potluck on Wednesday, November 25 from 12:05-1:30 with Mr. Harjehausen’s class. Students will be making placemats, cooking, and preparing for our guests. In addition to the items we make, students may bring an item to share. So we don’t have 24 Jell-O molds, we will have first graders bring fruit or a salad or a Jell-O mold, second graders a dessert, and third graders a main dish item. Parents are welcome to join us for the feast. This should be a fun event to get to know our neighbors and celebrate our blessings.
Our next scheduled field trip is Thursday, December 3. We will walk to the Performing Arts Center to see Junior Theater’s production of “Madeline and the Bad Hat”. We will leave school at about 9:30 and return at about 11:45. On Friday, December 4 we will be walking to the Captain Cook Hotel to see the gingerbread village created by master chef, Mr. Hickel. He will talk to us and answer questions about how he created the village. I have scheduled a visit to the museum to follow, but have not heard back as of yet from the museum. We would walk to the hotel at about 10:20 and return about 1:45 if we get into the museum. On Tuesday, December 8 we will be driving to West High Pool for an end of the semester swimming celebration! We will leave school at about 1:30 and return by 3:30. I will send out all the permission slips in next week’s folder.
It has been a very productive week with the students working on biome research, spelling, math operations and facts, adverbs, writing, compound words, capitalization, reading, geometry, penmanship, vocabulary, fractions, and more.
            If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail me at or call or write me a note.


Craig Moyer

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