Thursday, January 29, 2015

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Dear Parents,

Our next field trip is on Wednesday, February 4 from 9:30-11:45 we will walk to the Performing Arts Center to see the “Jabali African Acrobats”. Chaperones, please meet in Room 177 by 9:15. I also wanted to let you know about our scheduled field trips at this time so you can put them on your calendar. Thursday, February 26 we will take a bus to West High to see “Monsters III”, a puppet show about Anchorage’s history from 9:15-11:30. Friday February 27, we will walk to the Public Lands Information Office for a scavenger hunt and movie and then watch the start of the Fur Rendezvous Sled Dog Race at noon (If we get any snow). This trip will be from 9:30-12:45. Wednesday, March 18 we will walk to the Performing Arts Center once again to see master storyteller present, “Aesop Bops”. This trip will be from 11:15-1:30. I will send home permission slips for these events as they draw closer.  
         On Friday, February 13 we will have a valentine exchange and snack in the afternoon. If your child wishes to participate in the exchange, he/she must bring a valentine for each student. I have provided a list of Room 177 names on the back of the newsletter.
We have been hard at work this week reading, writing, planet research, six kingdom research, math operations and facts, penmanship, compound words, geometry, information and study skills and more.
         If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail me at of call or write me a note.


Craig Moyer

Valentine Class List Room 177
Robert (Bobby)
Alexandra (Sasha)
Kamryn (Kami)
Mrs. R
Ms. Irina
Mr. Moyer

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Dear Parents,

         Congratulations to our three Spelling Bee participants Audrianna, Elizabeth, and Kamryn! They represented Room 177 with poise, maturity, and graciousness on Tuesday morning. After their experience, they shared their thoughts and feelings with the class. They overcame their nerves and did a fantastic job. I’m sure they inspired others to participate in the future.
Our next field trip is on Wednesday, February 4 from 9:30-11:45 we will walk to the Performing Arts Center to see the “Jabali African Acrobats”. I have sent home permission slips in today’s folder. I also wanted to let you know about our scheduled field trips at this time so you can put them on your calendar. Thursday, February 26 we will take a bus to West High to see “Monsters III”, a puppet show about Anchorage’s history from 9:15-11:30. Friday February 27, we will walk to the Public Lands Information Office for a scavenger hunt and movie and then watch the start of the Fur Rendezvous Sled Dog Race at noon (If we get any snow). This trip will be from 9:30-12:45. Wednesday, March 18 we will walk to the Performing Arts Center once again to see master storyteller present, “Aesop Bops”. This trip will be from 11:15-1:30. I will send home permission slips for these events as they draw closer.  
Please remember that there is no school on Monday, January 19 in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday.
We have been hard at work this week studying fractions, reading, writing descriptive paragraphs, planet research, math operations and facts, penmanship, antonyms, geometry, and more.
         If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail me at of call or write me a note.


Craig Moyer

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Dear Parents,

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a healthy and happy holiday season. The students seem eager to be back and are resuming their working routines. I’m looking forward to a great second semester.
            I have sent second quarter report cards home in today’s folder. Please take a few moments to talk with your child to celebrate his or her accomplishments and discuss some areas he or she needs to improve. Teaching your children how to set goals is an important tool and gift that you can give them.
            We will be going to the Performing Arts Center on Tuesday, January 13 to see National Geographic Live! Chaperones, please meet in Room 177 by 9:30. We will leave the school at 9:45 and return about noon. This should be a great opportunity to learn about the Mars rover from a NASA engineer! I sent home permission slips on Monday and have received most of them already. Thanks.
            As you probably already noticed, I also sent home the first homework of 2015 on Monday. I know this is not our usual time frame, but I wanted the students to get back into the swing of things. This homework will be tested this Friday. I have sent nest week’s homework in today’s folder. If your child couldn’t finish the homework by Friday, please send it in when it is finished.
 Thursday, January 15th is the Denali Spelling Bee. It is open to all students in 3rd-6th grades. It will be held in the multipurpose room at 9:15. Good luck to all our 3rd grade participants!
            This week the students have been studying fractions, using quotation marks in their writing, practicing math facts, reading, writing friendly letters, journaling, learning about the law of inertia and practicing parlor tricks, using problem solving techniques in math, and more.
            Before the break, we had a great experience creating a radio play with the expertise of Mrs. Sheehy, Gavin’s Mom. The students went through the entire writing process in order to make the story. Then Mrs. Sheehy brought in her equipment to record each student read his or her part. She also had the students create wonderful sound effects to make the radio play a joy to listen to. Mrs. Sheehy gave each student a CD copy of the radio play, which I hope you have received and have enjoyed. If not, I am posting a copy of the radio play on this site. Thank you Mrs. Sheehy for your time and expertise! The students and I had a great time making the play.
            If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail me at of call or write me a note.


Craig Moyer