Thursday, October 29, 2015

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Dear Parents,
The Denali Fall Carnival is tomorrow night Friday, October 30 from 6:00-8:30! Please join us for music, games, and a lot of fun. If you are able to donate a cake for the cakewalk, it will be greatly appreciated. It is rumored that Ms. Dene will be dressed in a gorilla suit, so look out for her!
Our next scheduled field trip will be on Thursday, November 5. We will be walking to the Performing Arts Center to see Junior Theater’s, “Click, Clack, Moo” We will leave the school at about 9:35 and return at about 11:45. We look forward to this fun event!
If you have not done so, you can access all future newsletters and pictures at If you type in your email in the box on the right hand corner, you will automatically receive an email when I have added anything. Thank you again to Mr. Horning for putting this together for me!
We are back to a full week and the students are back in the flow! We have been studying math operations, spelling, writing friendly letters, penmanship, reading, continents, adverb, synonyms, and more! It’s been a wonderful week!
This week we welcomed a new second grader, I’a, to our classroom. I can’t tell you how proud and fortunate I felt about how gracious and welcoming the other students were in making him feel safe and at home. You, as parents, have taught your children well and it has made such a difference to everyone who enters Room 177. Thank you.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at or call or write me a note.


Craig Moyer

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Dear Parents,
I have enjoyed meeting with you all to discuss your child’s progress this quarter and set goals for the next quarter. I will meet with each student as well to have him or her set goals for themselves as well. I have also sent home your child’s report card in today’s folder. You can also view it on the Zangle Parent Connect site as well. Please take time to go over the report card with your child and celebrate their accomplishments and set goals for improvement. With all of us working together it should be a great year!
Our next scheduled field trip will be on Thursday, November 5. We will be walking to the Performing Arts Center to see Junior Theater’s, “Click, Clack, Moo” We will leave the school at about 9:35 and return at about 11:45. We look forward to this fun event!
The Denali Fall Carnival is on Friday, October 30 from 6:00-8:30. Please join us for music, games, and a lot of fun. If you are able to donate a cake for the cakewalk, it will be greatly appreciated.
If you have not done so, you can access all future newsletters and pictures at If you type in your email in the box on the right hand corner, you will automatically receive an email when I have added anything. Thank you again to Mr. Horning for putting this together for me!
Homework has returned! I have put in the homework in today’s folder that will be tested and due on Friday, October 30. It will be nice to get back to our regular full week routine.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at or call or write me a note.


Craig Moyer

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Dear Parents,

         It’s hard to believe that it’s the end of the quarter already. I have been amazed at the growth the students have made. I want to thank you for all your hard work with your children. Thank you to all the parents and grandparents who have been able to read with students, give spelling tests, chaperone field trips, make copies, cut, laminate, and put together Montessori materials, and everything else you have done to help me. I really appreciate it.
I am looking forward to meeting with you all next week to talk about your child’s progress. Conferences will be held Wednesday, October 21 and Thursday, October 22 from 12:45 p.m.-4:00 p.m. I will also be offering conferences on Monday, October 19 and Tuesday, October 20 from 7:00 a.m.-8:15 a.m. Students will be released at 12:30 p.m. on October 21 and 22 and there is no school on Friday, October 23. Parents now have the ability to schedule conference times online. The Conference Scheduler is now available. Please schedule soon to secure conference times that work best for your family. If you don’t sign up, I will be forced to clean my desk and that is never a fun thing for me. Please visit the online scheduler at: You will need to choose 1st grade and then find my name and you will find my schedule. If you are not able to use the online system please call or email. I look forward to meeting with you all and celebrating your child’s progress.
What started out as a bet I lost to two students five summers ago, turned into a wonderful experience that keeps on going. Evan and Leland, now eighth graders, approached me at the end of the school year and proposed a bet. If the Los Angeles Lakers won the NBA Championship, they would become teachers for the day. I agreed, but said if the Cleveland Cavaliers won, they would have to wash my car. As you know, my car still needs a wash and they became teachers for the day. Over the summer I wished I had come up with this idea on my own. I’ve always told the students that I’m not the only teacher in the classroom. Each student is a teacher. Each student brings unique experiences and expertise to our class and when he or she shares those gifts, the rest of us receive new learning. Leland and Evan wanted to take over the class the first day of school, but I told them they needed to take a teaching course first. They came in several times during their lunch time and wrote lesson plans, practiced the lessons they would teach, and promised to be professional. On Friday they came dressed in ties, greeted the students at the door, conducted circle, gave math lessons, spelling tests, and a volcano science lesson that Evan said, “had the crowd going crazy”. After a few giggles from the students seeing their new teachers, they settled in and were respectful to our guest teachers. The whole day was a real joy for me to see these third graders demonstrate such responsibility and see a little of myself in their teaching style. I was so impressed and excited by the entire experience that it will forever be a right of passage for every third grader to be teacher for the day. Thank you Leland and Evan for your wonderful gift. On Monday, October 12 we continued the tradition with Sarah and Svea taking over the teaching duties for the day. They did a marvelous job teaching subtraction to the first graders, multiplication to the second graders, and double digit division to the third graders, taught us how to make survival bracelets (Thank you to Annie’s family for providing the materials to make them!), and more. The students and I were impressed on how peaceful and quietly everyone worked. It was a great day!
Our next scheduled field trip will be on Thursday, November 5. We will be walking to the Performing Arts Center to see Junior Theater’s, “Click, Clack, Moo” We will leave the school at about 9:35 and return at about 11:45. I have sent home permission slips in today’s folder. We look forward to this fun event.
The Denali Fall Carnival is on Friday, October 30 from 6:00-8:30. Please join us for music, games, and a lot of fun. If you are able to donate a cake for the cakewalk, it will be greatly appreciated.
If you have not done so, you can access all future newsletters and pictures at If you type in your email in the box on the right hand corner, you will automatically receive an email when I have added anything. Thank you again to Mr. Horning for putting this together for me!
Thank you to Michael, Annie, and Sarah’s family for providing snacks for the snack cupboard this week!
There is no homework for next week due to the short conference week. I will send homework again next week that will be due on Friday, October 30.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at or call or write me a note.


Craig Moyer 
Van Gogh came alive!

The teachers lead the circle discussion.

The teachers greet the students.

The teachers giving the 1st graders a math lesson.

Explosive fun at the museum.

The Spark Lab was a big hit.

Spark Lab fun.

Having fun in the Discovery Center.

Let's build something fun in the Spark Lab.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Dear Parents,

Our first field trip is tomorrow Friday, October 9! We will be taking a bus to West High School to see the musical production of “Aladdin”. Chaperones please meet in Room 177 by 9:00. We will leave the school at about 9:15 and return at about 12:00. We have read the book and seen the Disney movie version and are eager to compare those to tomorrow’s performance. Thank you to all the chaperones that were able to make this trip possible.
One of my favorite times of the year is fast approaching. Conferences will be held Wednesday, October 21 and Thursday, October 22 from 12:45 p.m.-4:00 p.m. I will also be offering conferences on Monday, October 19 and Tuesday, October 20 from 7:00 a.m.-8:15 a.m. Students will be released at 12:30 p.m. on October 21 and 22 and there is no school on Friday, October 23. Parents now have the ability to schedule conference times online. The Conference Scheduler is now available. Scheduling early offers you the opportunity to secure conference times that work best for your family. Please visit the online scheduler at: You will need to find my name and go to 1st grade and you will find my schedule. If you are not able to use the online system please call or email. I look forward to meeting with you all and celebrating your child’s progress.
I am also excited about our next field trip that is next week! On Tuesday, October 13 we will be walking to the Anchorage Museum to see the Van Gogh Alive exhibit, explore the Spark Lab, have lunch, and explore the Imaginarium. Chaperones please meet in Room 177 by 9:30. We will leave the school at about 9:45 and return at about 1:15. This trip is free because we are business partners with the museum!
I sent homework home on Monday. That list will be tested and due on Thursday, October 15 because there is no school on Friday, October 16.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at or call or write me a note.


Craig Moyer

Monday, October 5, 2015

Monday, October 5, 2015

Monday, October 5, 2015

Dear Parents,

            Unfortunately, I was hit with a flu bug and was out last Thursday and Friday. It is not easy for the students or me when I sometimes have to be gone, but I appreciate when the students treat the visiting teacher with respect and go on with the works they know how to do. Both visiting teachers wrote that it was a “nice working group” and that things went well. I am very proud of the students for their kindness and independence while I was gone.
One of my favorite times of the year is fast approaching. Conferences will be held Wednesday, October 21 and Thursday, October 22 from 12:45 p.m.-4:00 p.m. I will also be offering conferences on Monday, October 19 and Tuesday, October 20 from 7:00 a.m.-8:15 a.m. Students will be released at 12:30 p.m. on October 21 and 22 and there is no school on Friday, October 23. Parents now have the ability to schedule conference times online. The Conference Scheduler will be available for your convenience beginning October 7th.  Scheduling early offers you the opportunity to secure conference times that work best for your family. Please visit the online scheduler at: You will need to find my name and go to 1st grade and you will find my schedule. If you are not able to use the online system please call or email. I look forward to meeting with you all and celebrating your child’s progress.
Our first field trip will be this Friday, October 9. We will be taking a bus to West High School to see the musical production of “Aladdin”. Chaperones please meet in Room 177 by 9:00. We will leave the school at about 9:15 and return at about 12:00. I have sent home another permission slip to those that have not returned one and have posted it on the website as well. Please return them as soon as possible. This should be a great trip.
I am also excited about our next field trip that is next week! On Tuesday, October 13 we will be walking to the Anchorage Museum to see the Van Gogh Alive exhibit, explore the Spark Lab, have lunch, and explore the Imaginarium. We will leave the school at about 9:45 and return at about 1:15. This trip is free because we are business partners with the museum! It looks like one of my colleagues, Ms. Atkinson, made a permission slip for me and sent it home in the Thursday folder. Thank you Ms. Atkinson! I have posted it on the website as well. Please return these forms by Friday!
I can hear the cries now, “Mr. Moyer, say it isn’t so!” It is sad but true. There will be no homework this week due to the fact that I didn’t get it to you soon enough and we have a field trip on Friday. I am sending homework in today’s folder that will be tested and due on Thursday, October 15 because there is no school on Friday, October 16. You can always continue to read to and listen to your child read every evening this week for at least 20 minutes.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at or call or write me a note.


Craig Moyer