Thursday, September 24, 2015

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Dear Parents,

         I am sending home the permission slip for our first field trip of the year in today’s folder! On Friday, October 9 we will be taking a bus to West High to see the musical performance of  “Aladdin”.  This should be a fun trip. We will leave the school at about 9:15 and return at about 12:30. Please return the permission slips and money as soon as possible. If you are writing a check for the performance please make it out to Denali Montessori.
         Thank you to Gavin and Annie’s families for sending in snacks to help fill our snack cupboard!
         The students are settling in nicely to the work cycle and have been working on setting goals and fine-tuning on how they can be more productive. This week we have been working on points, lines, rays, segments, planes, angles, and quadrilaterals in geometry, writing in our journals, spelling, math facts and operations, writing a friendly letter, adjective and article work in grammar, rhyming, classification, reading activities, phonics, penmanship, writing persuasive letters, and more. We also told the Maria Montessori’s Second Great Lesson, The Coming of Life. It’s been a wonderful week!
If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail me at or call or write me a note.


Craig Moyer

Celebration of Life!

Another Celebration of Life!

Super concentration on geometry work!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Dear Parents,

Please join us tonight from 6:30-8:00 for the Denali Open House. We will begin in the multipurpose room with a brief introduction of the staff and PTSA meeting. Then you will get a chance to visit the classrooms. The students are anxious to show the Montessori materials. I look forward to seeing you tonight.
 The students have really been working hard this work concentrating, persevering, and creating a peaceful learning environment. It’s been very nice to see all the students engaged in learning. I have been really impressed with the first graders and how they have adapted to so much change in their lives. We have also been working on learning about adjectives and articles, math facts and operations, “Who Am I?” stories, writing friendly letters, place value, penmanship, classification, spelling, rhyming words, and more! I love working with your children.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at or call or write me a note.
Have a wonderful sunny (I hope) weekend!


Craig Moyer

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Dear Parents,

         It’s been another great week in Room 177! The 2nd and 3rd graders have been great role models this year in their work effort and citizenship. The 1st graders have been following along and are working very well. It’s been a lot of fun to see. We have been studying spelling words, nouns, classification, rhyming words, penmanship, reading, place value, math facts and operations, geometry, writing our own creation stories, and writing friendly letters. I really enjoy working with your children and observing their growth.
         Open House at Denali Montessori is next Thursday, September 17 from 6:30-8:00 p.m. Please join us to see what we’re doing in Room 177 and how the students use all the wonderful Montessori materials. I look forward to seeing you then.
         I have sent home your child’s Lexia username and password in today’s folder. If you would like to use this program at home, simply go to and have your child login to use the reading skills program. Your child has taken a placement test this week to place them at their current skill level.
          I have had questions about our specialist schedule, so here it is.
Monday: 9:10-9:40 Music; 9:45-10:15 P.E.
Wednesday: 9:10-9:40 P.E.; 2:50-3:20 Music
Thursday: 9:10-10:10 Art/Health
Friday: 1:10-1:40 Library; 1:45-2:15 P.E.
Our recess is daily from 12:05-12:30 followed by lunch from 12:35-1:00.
         We do not have a snack calendar in Room 177. I ask that students that bring their own lunch pack a snack to eat during the morning, as they get hungry. We do have a snack cupboard for those that have hot lunch or forget their lunch. If you would like to help stock the snack cupboard with items such as goldfish, pretzels, string cheese or other items, it would be very much appreciated.
         If you have any questions or concerns please e-mail me at or call or write me a note.


Craig Moyer

Working together on noun books.

Classifying our nouns into person, place, and thing.

Working in the jungle.

We have so many great role models helping out in the classroom.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Dear Parents,

         It’s been another wonderful week in Room 177! The students are learning the routines, learning how to work independently, and having a good time doing it. We have had math lessons using the various Montessori materials such as the golden beads, stamp game, and dot paper. The students have worked on spelling, learning the parts of the friendly letter and writing to our person of the week (Marcus), reading creation stories and reenacting the scientific story of creation (It was a bang up presentation!), phonics, science experiments using our sound science kit, penmanship, the noun, place value and more this week.
Please mark your calendars for Thursday, September 17 from 6:30-8:00. This is your chance to visit the classroom and find out more about the Montessori program at the Denali Open House. I look forward to seeing you then.
If you haven’t paid the $15 supply fee yet and are able to pay it, I would really appreciate it. So far I have spent $136 for the Time for Kids subscription, which will begin in two weeks and $150 for shared classroom supplies such as journals, folders, pencils, glue, paper, and other materials. I have collected $150 so far. Thanks for your support.
         If you have any questions or concerns please e-mail me at or call or write me a note.


Craig Moyer

Svea is hard at work!

Cora and Julia just finished the 45 layout!

Lucas and Annali playing an exchanging game called, "Race to 50".