Thursday, February 7, 2019

Friday, February 8, 2019

Friday, February 8, 2019 Dear Parents, We have had some wonderful field trips this week with “Stone Soup and Other Stories” and ice fishing at Jewel Lake. I appreciate all the chaperones that could make these trips happen! Your children have been great representatives of Denali Montessori and Room 177! They have been attentive, polite, and kind on all our trips! I am very proud of them! This week the students have been studying conjunctions and interjections in grammar, contractions, geometry, practicing math facts, reading, writing friendly letters, journaling, studying positions of lines and angles in geometry, reading comprehension and activities, equivalent volume measurements (gallon, quart, pint and cups), informational and study skills, vocabulary, penmanship, country research and more! It has been a busy week. We are currently collecting spare change for Malawi Children’s Village. The money will be presented at our Peace Concert in February. There will also be a chance for families to donate and bid on desserts at the Peace Concert Dessert Auction. On Thursday, February 14 we will have a valentine exchange and small party in the afternoon. If your child wishes to participate in the exchange, he/she must bring a valentine for each student. I have provided a list of Room 177 names on the back of the newsletter. If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail me at of call or write me a note. Sincerely, Craig Moyer Valentine Class List Room 177 Mackenzie Yunie Tressa Sean Colin Jet Dimerius Ginger Colton Amelia Alaina Aveyona Charlie Matti Jacob Jaden Raina Piper Nico Holden Kira Kylan Margaux Soren Tristan Mrs. R. Mr. Moyer

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