Friday, February 17, 2017

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Thursday, February 16, 2017

            The class and I want to give a big thank you to Tristan’s Mom! She baked every child (Myself and Mrs. R.), a giant heart cookie in a bag with his or her name on it. Each bag contained frosting, chocolate letters, red hots, and licorice to decorate their cookies. The students were having a blast decorating their cookies! It really made for a special Valentine’s Day party. Thank you Tristan’s Mom!
Our next scheduled field trip is on Tuesday, February 21. We will walk to the Alaska Public Lands Information Office on 4th Avenue and do a scavenger hunt and watch a film on Alaska animals. We will leave the school at about 12:15 and should return by about 3:00. Chaperones please meet in Room 177 by 12:00. Thank you to all the chaperones that make these learning experiences happen!
I am so excited to announce that we are going to the Campbell Creek Science Center on Thursday, March 2. We will drive there, leaving the school at 9:20 a.m. and return to school by 3:30 p.m. This full day program is usually $24 per student, but we have received funding to reduce the cost to $4 per student. We will participate in a learning experience called, “Snow Sleuths”. This should be a fantastic trip!
            Conferences are scheduled for Wednesday, February 22 and Thursday, February 23. The conference scheduler is available for you to schedule conferences on Zangle now. Follow this link and it will take you to the scheduling page. When it gives you the options for grade level, choose mixed and my name should appear in the choices. Please let me know if the times don’t work for you. We’ll find a time that does. I love conference time and talking about your children and all the wonderful things they are doing.
            This week the students have been studying beginning algebra, math facts, synonyms, spelling, penmanship, problem solving in math, writing, practicing math operations, reading, writing thank you letters, grammar, journaling, geometry, reading comprehension and activities, biome, continents, animals, biographies, and country research and more. It has been a busy and wonderful week!
            There will be no homework next week due to the short conference week. We shall resume spelling tests Friday, March 3 and I will send that work home next week.
            If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail me at of call or write me a note.


Craig Moyer

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