Thursday, February 23, 2017

Thursday, February 23, 2016

Thursday, February 23, 2016

Dear Parents,

On Thursday, March 2 we are going to the Campbell Creek Science Center. We will drive there, leaving the school at 9:20 a.m. and return to school by 3:30 p.m. This full day program is usually $24 per student, but we have received funding to reduce the cost to $4 per student. We will participate in a learning experience called, “Snow Sleuths”. Students will need to bring a lunch and all their gear, as we will be outside most of the day. As of now, I only have a few people that have said they could drive. I have to have all the required information into the office no later than Monday or we will not be able to go. Chaperones please meet in Room 177 by 9:00 next Thursday. This should be a fantastic trip!
What started out as a bet I lost to two students five years ago has turned into a wonderful tradition. Evan and Leland approached me and proposed a bet. If the Los Angeles Lakers won the NBA Championship, they would become teachers for the day. I agreed, but said if the Cleveland Cavaliers won, they would have to wash my car. As you know, my car still needs a wash and they became teachers for the day. Over the summer I wished I had come up with this idea on my own. I’ve always told the students that I’m not the only teacher in the classroom. Each student is a teacher. Each student brings unique experiences and expertise to our class and when he or she shares those gifts, the rest of us receive new learning. Leland and Evan wanted to take over the class the first day of school, but I told them they needed to take a teaching course first. They came in several times during their lunch time and wrote lesson plans, practiced the lessons they would teach, and promised to be professional. When the day arrived, they came dressed in ties, greeted the students at the door, conducted circle, gave math lessons, spelling tests, and a volcano science lesson that Evan said, “had the crowd going crazy”. After a few giggles from the students seeing their new teachers, they settled in and were respectful to our guest teachers. The whole day was a real joy for me to see these third graders demonstrate such responsibility and see a little of myself in their teaching style. I was so impressed and excited by the entire experience that it will forever be a right of passage for every third grader to be teacher for the day. Last Friday, Rachel and Riley took over the role of teacher and did a marvelous job. Rachel and Riley greeted the students at the door, gave spelling tests, and taught us about velociraptors. Rachel also did an impromptu lesson in which she had the first graders draw pictures and then label all the nouns and adjectives on their drawings. It was a great day and I’ve had several second graders tell me what they plan to do next year when it is their turn. We look forward to the other third graders taking their turn in the second semester.
I have sent homework in today’s folder for next Friday’s spelling test. The students are very excited.
I have thoroughly enjoyed meeting with you all and celebrating your child’s success. I appreciate all you do on your child’s behalf. I love working with your children and observing their growth and maturity academically, socially, and emotionally. Thank you for all your help with field trips, spelling tests, laminating, listening to students read, sharing your expertise with the class, and all you do to make Room 177 and Denali Montessori such a wonderful place to be.
            If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail me at of call or write me a note.


Craig Moyer

Friday, February 17, 2017

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Thursday, February 16, 2017

            The class and I want to give a big thank you to Tristan’s Mom! She baked every child (Myself and Mrs. R.), a giant heart cookie in a bag with his or her name on it. Each bag contained frosting, chocolate letters, red hots, and licorice to decorate their cookies. The students were having a blast decorating their cookies! It really made for a special Valentine’s Day party. Thank you Tristan’s Mom!
Our next scheduled field trip is on Tuesday, February 21. We will walk to the Alaska Public Lands Information Office on 4th Avenue and do a scavenger hunt and watch a film on Alaska animals. We will leave the school at about 12:15 and should return by about 3:00. Chaperones please meet in Room 177 by 12:00. Thank you to all the chaperones that make these learning experiences happen!
I am so excited to announce that we are going to the Campbell Creek Science Center on Thursday, March 2. We will drive there, leaving the school at 9:20 a.m. and return to school by 3:30 p.m. This full day program is usually $24 per student, but we have received funding to reduce the cost to $4 per student. We will participate in a learning experience called, “Snow Sleuths”. This should be a fantastic trip!
            Conferences are scheduled for Wednesday, February 22 and Thursday, February 23. The conference scheduler is available for you to schedule conferences on Zangle now. Follow this link and it will take you to the scheduling page. When it gives you the options for grade level, choose mixed and my name should appear in the choices. Please let me know if the times don’t work for you. We’ll find a time that does. I love conference time and talking about your children and all the wonderful things they are doing.
            This week the students have been studying beginning algebra, math facts, synonyms, spelling, penmanship, problem solving in math, writing, practicing math operations, reading, writing thank you letters, grammar, journaling, geometry, reading comprehension and activities, biome, continents, animals, biographies, and country research and more. It has been a busy and wonderful week!
            There will be no homework next week due to the short conference week. We shall resume spelling tests Friday, March 3 and I will send that work home next week.
            If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail me at of call or write me a note.


Craig Moyer

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Thursday, February 9, 2017

            Our next scheduled field trips are tomorrow Friday, February 10. We are going ice fishing at Jewel Lake from 1:00-2:00. Please have your child dressed for the weather. The forecast is for single digit highs. I can’t take a student who does not have the proper gear to be out in those temperatures for over an hour. The nurse sometimes has extra gear, but there are many classes going and it may be gone. I want the students to enjoy this trip and the correct gear is necessary. We’ll leave the school at about 12:20 and return about 2:30. Drivers please meet in Room 177 by 12:10. On Tuesday, February 21we will walk to the Alaska Public Lands Information Office on 4th Avenue and do a scavenger hunt and watch a film on Alaska animals. We will leave the school at about 12:15 and should return by about 3:00. I have sent permission slips home in today’s folder for these trips. Please send them back as soon as possible.
            Conferences are scheduled for Wednesday, February 22 and Thursday, February 23. The conference scheduler will be available for you to schedule conferences on Zangle beginning on Friday, February 3. Follow this link and it will take you to the scheduling page. When it gives you the options for grade level, choose mixed and my name should appear in the choices. Please let me know if the times don’t work for you. We’ll find a time that does. I love conference time and talking about your children and all the wonderful things they are doing.
On Tuesday, February 14 we will have a valentine exchange and snack in the afternoon. If your child wishes to participate in the exchange, he/she must bring a valentine for each student. I have provided a list of Room 177 names on the back of the newsletter.
            This week the students have been studying gravity and the scientific method, math facts, synonyms, spelling, penmanship, problem solving in math, writing, practicing math operations, reading, writing friendly letters, interjections, journaling, geometry, reading comprehension and activities, biome, continents, and country research and more. It has been a busy and wonderful week!
            If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail me at of call or write me a note.


Craig Moyer

Valentine Class List Room 177
Mrs. R.
Mr. Moyer

Friday, February 3, 2017

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Thursday, February 2, 2017

         Our next scheduled field trips are Thursday, February 9, Friday, February 10 and Tuesday, February 21. We will be taking a bus to West High on Thursday, February 9 to see West High’s musical production of “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown”. We will leave the school at about 9:20 and return at about 12:30. On Friday, February 10 I am excited to announce that we are going ice fishing at Jewel Lake from 1:00-2:00. We will need drivers for this trip. I will need all drivers to return their insurance information to the office by tomorrow Friday, February 3. We’ll leave the school at about 12:20 and return about 2:30. On Tuesday, February 21we will walk to the Alaska Public Lands Information Office on 4th Avenue and do a scavenger hunt and watch a film on Alaska animals. We will leave the school at about 12:15 and should return by about 3:00. I have sent permission slips home in today’s folder for these trips. Please send them back as soon as possible.
         Conferences are scheduled for Wednesday, February 22 and Thursday, February 23. The conference scheduler will be available for you to schedule conferences on Zangle beginning on Friday, February 3. Follow this link and it will take you to the scheduling page. When it gives you the options for grade level, choose mixed and my name should appear in the choices. Please let me know if the times don’t work for you. We’ll find a time that does. I love conference time and talking about your children and all the wonderful things they are doing.
On Tuesday, February 14 we will have a valentine exchange and snack in the afternoon. If your child wishes to participate in the exchange, he/she must bring a valentine for each student. I have provided a list of Room 177 names on the back of the newsletter.
         This week the students have been studying math facts, synonyms, spelling, penmanship, problem solving in math, writing, practicing math operations, reading, writing friendly letters, interjections, journaling, geometry, reading comprehension and activities, biome, continents, and country research and more. It has been a busy and wonderful week!
         If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail me at of call or write me a note.


Craig Moyer

Valentine Class List Room 177
Mrs. R.
Mr. Moyer