Thursday, August 25, 2016

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Dear Parents,

I’d first like to introduce myself. My name is Craig Moyer. This is my eleventh year at Denali Montessori and my twentieth year in the Anchorage School District. My wife, Sarah, is a lawyer and has put up with me now for twenty-two years of married life. We have three daughters, Siena, Ariana, and Clara. Siena is seventeen and a senior at Steller Secondary. Ariana and Clara are twins that are fifteen and sophomores at Steller. Our son, Aidan, is seven years old and is starting 1st grade here at Denali this year. There is never a dull moment in our house.

I am very excited to be working with you and your children this year!

In order for your child to have a productive year, I will need your help and support. I believe in a system that acknowledges the freedoms and responsibilities of students and teacher. In order for us to work in a safe, courteous classroom free from interruptions, the students have the responsibility to follow the class and school rules.
1.   Be Safe
2.   Be Respectful and Kind
3.   Be Responsible
4.   Be Ready

I have also included the Freedom and Responsibility guidelines in today’s folder as well. This will give you and your child a better understanding of how the Montessori classroom works well.

It is important that we work together to give your child a quality education. Please feel free to call me or send me an email if you have any questions or concerns.

I will send some of your child’s work in his/her Thursday folder. The folder will also include classroom and school news. I will be including homework starting September 1 in this folder as well. The homework is always for the following Friday when we have our spelling tests. The folder is to be returned the next day, but the homework is not due until the following Friday. Please look at your child’s work. Students are proud of their accomplishments and it is a means of tracking your child’s progress. In the Montessori classroom most of the students’ work is kept in the classroom in their individual work folders to show progress throughout the year.

We’ve made some changes this year to our lunch and recess schedule. The students go to recess at 11:45 and lunch at 12:15. If your child needs a snack to make it to lunch, please pack one for your child and he/she may eat it when needed during the morning or afternoon.

Our specialist schedule is as follows:
Monday: 9:30-10:30 Art/Health
Tuesday: 9:35-10:05 P.E., 10:10-10:40 Music
Wednesday: 10:45-11:15 P.E.
Thursday: 10:10-10:40 P.E., 10:45-11:15 Music
Friday: 9:35-10:05 Library

Our recess is daily from 11:45-12:10 followed by lunch from 12:15-12:40.

I look forward to working with you and your child. I am anticipating a productive and fun year.


Craig Moyer