Sunday, March 29, 2015

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Dear Parents,

            The 3rd graders will be taking the Alaska Measures of Progress (AMP) tests starting Monday, March 30 through Thursday, April 2. Friday, April 3 is a make up day. The tests will start promptly at 9:30 each day. 3rd grade parents please send your child well rested, well fed, and relaxed and ready to do his or her best. We won’t have spelling tests or homework for next week due to the 3rd grade testing. On Friday, April 3rd we will have a pizza party to celebrate the end of testing.
            The children are raising money for our sister school in Malawi, Africa.  This is the Malawi Children’s Village.  It is a place for children who were orphaned in Africa.  We have added to the building of a school, latrines so the girls could go to school, books, chairs, and paper.  This year we are raising money to build teacher housing on campus.  If you would like to donate (certainly not required) please send donations in an envelope marked MCV.  
            We have some planned field trips that I wanted to tell you so you can put them on your calendar. On Thursday, April 9 we will be going to West High to see a performance of the musical, “Shrek”. We’ll be taking a bus leaving the school at 9:30 and returning at about 11:30. On Friday, April 24 we are walking to the Alaska Railroad for a history lesson and train ride. We’ll leave about 9:15 and return at about 12:15. On Monday, April 27 we will be walking to the Pioneer School House for a fun filled tour. We will leave at 12:30 and return at about 3:00. Tuesday, April 28 we will walk to the Performing Arts Center to see the musical “The Gruffalo’s Child”. We’ll leave at 11:20 and return about 1:20. Friday, May 1st we will be driving to West High to see a dance performance created for Anchorage’s Centennial. We will leave the school at 9:15 and return at about 11:45. Friday, May 8 we will be going to the Alaska Native Heritage Center for a free preview day. The bus will leave at 9:30 and return at 1:30 that day. Thursday, May 14 we will be going to West High Pool to participate in the Kids Don’t Float program. We’ll leave at 12:30 and return at 2:30. One more important event will be the 3rd Grade Recognition ceremony, we have to say good-bye to our third graders and wish them well as they move on to fourth grade. The ceremony will be on Wednesday, May 13 at 2:15 p.m. Third grade parents please put this on your calendar. If that is not a good day for third grade parents, please email me as soon as possible so we can schedule a better day.    
            This week the students have been studying polygons, geometric solids, homonyms, word analysis, penmanship, math facts and operations, problem solving strategies in math and life, parts of the seed, and more. I’ve been impressed with all the independent work going on in the classroom. It’s a lot of fun to be a part of the process.       
If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail me at or call or write me a note.


Craig Moyer

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Thursday, March 19, 201

Dear Parents,

You should find your child’s report card in today’s folder. Please take time to go over the report card with your child pointing out the positives and the areas for improvements. It’s important for all of us to continually set goals for ourselves. Helping your child set goals is an important gift you can give your child.      
            The third graders have been practicing for the Alaska Measure of Progress (AMP) test that will be given March 30-April 2. I just want the students to be familiar with test taking procedures, work on a few sample questions to prepare them, and have them try to relax when they take the test. I’m sure some of you may have noticed increased anxiety levels, panic, tears, and a request to leave the country during testing. This is all normal. I am doing my best to answer questions, calm the fears, and prepare them to relax and do their best.  
            The children are raising money for our sister school in Malawi, Africa.  This is the Malawi Children’s Village.  It is a place for children who were orphaned in Africa.  We have added to the building of a school, latrines so the girls could go to school, books, chairs, and paper.  This year we are raising money to build teacher housing on campus.  If you would like to donate (certainly not required) please send donations in an envelope marked MCV.  
            We have some planned field trips that I wanted to tell you so you can put them on your calendar. On Thursday, April 9 we will be going to West High to see a performance of the musical, “Shrek”. We’ll be taking a bus leaving the school at 9:30 and returning at about 11:30. On Friday, April 24 we are walking to the Alaska Railroad for a history lesson and train ride. We’ll leave about 9:15 and return at about 12:15. On Monday, April 27 we will be walking to the Pioneer School House for a fun filled tour. We will leave at 12:30 and return at about 3:00. Tuesday, April 28 we will walk to the Performing Arts Center to see the musical “The Gruffalo’s Child”. We’ll leave at 11:20 and return about 1:20. Friday, May 8 we will be going to the Alaska Native Heritage Center for a free preview day. The bus will leave at 9:30 and return at 1:30 that day. Thursday, May 14 we will be going to West High Pool to participate in the Kids Don’t Float program. We’ll leave at 12:30 and return at 2:30. One more important event will be the 3rd Grade Recognition ceremony, we have to say good-bye to our third graders and wish them well as they move on to fourth grade. The ceremony will be on Wednesday, May 13 at 2:15 p.m. Third grade parents please put this on your calendar. If that is not a good day for third grade parents, please email me as soon as possible so we can schedule a better day.                     
If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail me at or call or write me a note.


Craig Moyer

Monday, March 16, 2015

Attention 3rd Grade Parents

Attention 3rd Grade Parents
On Wednesday, March 18 you will have a chance to meet the intermediate teachers and talk about the developmental characteristics of the 9-12 year old child. Please join the intermediate teachers in the Denali Montessori Library at 5:15 P. M. on Wednesday, March 18.

3rd grade students will begin the Alaska Measures of Progress (AMP) testing on Monday, March 30 through Thursday, April 2. Please have your child well rested, fed, on time and eager to do his or her best work those days.