Monday, February 23, 2015

Science Night-Thursday, February 26

 Science Night
Please join us this Thursday, February 26 for Science Night at Denali, from 6:30-8pm. Our school business partner, the Anchorage Museum, will have a variety of hands-on activities in the multipurpose room and gym. Some teachers may also have activities for students, and there will be a sample science fair display board for students to use as a model for science fair projects. Students need to be accompanied by an adult for this fun and self-directed event. If any parent can volunteer to help with clean up, please contact Helen O'Harra at

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Dear Parents,

We had a fabulous field trip to the museum on Tuesday. The students and I learned a lot about the Alaskan Native peoples and cultures. The students were very attentive to the presentation and enjoyed trying on various Alaska Native garments and being able to hold many cultural tools and other artifacts. After that the students were engaged in the wonders of the Imaginarium. It was a lot of fun to watch the students enjoy themselves. Thank you to all the chaperones that made the trip possible!
On Thursday, February 26 we will take a bus to West High to see “Monsters III”, a puppet show about Anchorage’s history from 9:15-11:30. Chaperones please meet in Room 177 by 9:00. Friday February 27, we will walk to the Public Lands Information Office for a scavenger hunt and movie and then watch the start of the Fur Rendezvous Sled Dog Race (Maybe?) at noon. This trip will be from 9:30-12:45. Chaperones please meet in Room 177 by 9:15. Chaperones will need to bring a valid driver’s license to get into the Federal building for this trip. I have also sent a permission slip for our trip to the Performing Arts Center on Tuesday, March 3 from 9:45-11:45. We will walk over to see “National Geographic Live! With Photojournalist Annie Griffiths.” These should be fun learning experiences.
I have thoroughly enjoyed meeting with you all and celebrating your child’s success. I appreciate all you do on your child’s behalf. I love working with your children and observing their growth and maturity academically, socially, and emotionally. Thank you for all your help with field trips, spelling tests, laminating, listening to students read, sharing your expertise with the class, and all you do to make Room 177 and Denali Montessori such a wonderful place to be.
         If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail me at of call or write me a note.


Craig Moyer


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Thursday, February 12, 2015

I love my SRA!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Dear Parents,

            Next week we will meet for parent/teacher conferences. I have included the schedule in today’s folder. I look forward to meeting with each of you to talk about your child’s progress. There will be no homework or spelling test next week. Please remember that there is no school on Monday due to the Presidents’ Day holiday. Wednesday and Thursday are conference days and students will be released at 12:30. Finally, Friday there is no school. We will be holding a Montessori conference on that day.
Our next field trip is on Tuesday, February 17 from 12:15-3:15 we will walk to the Anchorage Museum and take a docent led tour of the “Life in Alaska” exhibit. We will also explore the Imaginarium and other exhibits.  Chaperones please meet in Room 177 by 12:00. On Thursday, February 26 we will take a bus to West High to see “Monsters III”, a puppet show about Anchorage’s history from 9:15-11:30. Chaperones please meet in Room 177 by 9:00. Friday February 27, we will walk to the Public Lands Information Office for a scavenger hunt and movie and then watch the start of the Fur Rendezvous Sled Dog Race at noon. This trip will be from 9:30-12:45. Chaperones please meet in Room 177 by 9:15. Chaperones will need to bring a valid driver’s license to get into the Federal building for this trip. These should be fun learning experiences.
            On Friday, February 13 we will have a valentine exchange and snack in the afternoon. If your child wishes to participate in the exchange, he/she must bring a valentine for each student. I have provided a list of Room 177 names on the back of the newsletter.
            Mr. Horning, one of our wonderful P.E. teachers here at Denali Montessori, is starting his cross-country skiing session tomorrow. Our time is from 12:45-1:45. Our next session will be on Friday, February 27 and the last session will probably be on Thursday, March 5 (We haven’t worked out a time yet). The students ski on the Park Strip and have a great time every year. If your child wants to bring his or her own boots and skis, he or she is welcome to do that.
            Next week we will have a Read-In on Thursday, February 19. The students may wear pajamas, bring their favorite stuffed animal, blanket, and books for a fun morning of reading. I will also be serving waffles and juice.
We have been hard at work this week reading, writing letters, planet research, six kingdom research, continent of Asia study, country research, animal research, math operations and facts, penmanship, compound words, geometry, language mechanics, and more.
            If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail me at of call or write me a note.


Craig Moyer

Valentine Class List Room 177
Robert (Bobby)
Alexandra (Sasha)
Kamryn (Kami)
Mrs. R
Ms. Irina
Mr. Moyer

Conference Schedule Room 177
Tuesday, February 17
8:20 Annie
3:35 Alexandra
Wednesday, February 18
7:40 Brianna
8:15 Svea
12:45 Brianna
1:15 Jamie
1:40 Samantha
2:05 Gavin
2:30 Ketch
2:55 Marcus
3:45 Riley
4:10 Bobby
4:35 Elizabeth
Thursday, February 19
8:00 Finn
8:20 Jessie
12:55 Audrianna
1:15 Adriana
1:40 Kendall
2:30 Kylie
2:55 Arthur
3:20 Alan
3:45 Adriana
4:10 Sarah
4:35 Michael

Having fun with math!


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Dear Parents,

         Last Friday, we had another wonderful “Teachers of the Day” experience led by 3rd graders Alexandra and Kylie. Alexandra brought her guinea pig and the two teachers taught the students about caring for a guinea pig. The students and I learned a lot and had a fun day. Thank you Kylie and Alexandra!
Our next field trip is on Tuesday, February 17 from 12:15-3:15 we will walk to the Anchorage Museum and take a docent led tour of the “Life in Alaska” exhibit. We will also explore the Imaginarium and other exhibits.  On Thursday, February 26 we will take a bus to West High to see “Monsters III”, a puppet show about Anchorage’s history from 9:15-11:30. Friday February 27, we will walk to the Public Lands Information Office for a scavenger hunt and movie and then watch the start of the Fur Rendezvous Sled Dog Race at noon. This trip will be from 9:30-12:45. I have sent home permission slips for these three trips in today’s folder.        
         On Friday, February 13 we will have a valentine exchange and snack in the afternoon. If your child wishes to participate in the exchange, he/she must bring a valentine for each student. I have provided a list of Room 177 names on the back of the newsletter.
         I have sent home parent/teacher conference slips in today’s folder. I used the same schedule as in the fall. If your student has a sibling in another class, please try to keep that appointment, as it is difficult to rearrange all the other teacher’s schedules. If the scheduled time doesn’t work for you, please let me know as soon as possible. I really enjoy conference time because I love talking about the incredible growth your children making. I look forward to seeing you all soon.
We have been hard at work this week reading, writing letters, planet research, six kingdom research, beginning our continent of Asia study, math operations and facts, penmanship, compound words, geometry, information and study skills and more.
         If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail me at of call or write me a note.


Craig Moyer

Valentine Class List Room 177
Robert (Bobby)
Alexandra (Sasha)
Kamryn (Kami)
Mrs. R
Ms. Irina
Mr. Moyer
Greeting the students.

The teachers relaxing before the students arrive.

A lesson on how to take care of a guinea pig.
Taking attendance.