Thursday, November 20, 2014

Are you ready for this teaching gig?
Good morning Mr. Nunn and Mr. West!
Giving a spelling test.

Your first word is philanthropist.
Teaching division using the test tubes!

I think it's going to blow!

A job well done gentleman!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Dear Parents,

What started out as a bet I lost to two students four summers ago, turned into a wonderful experience that keeps on going. Evan and Leland, now seventh graders, approached me at the end of the school year and proposed a bet. If the Los Angeles Lakers won the NBA Championship, they would become teachers for the day. I agreed, but said if the Cleveland Cavaliers won, they would have to wash my car. As you know, my car still needs a wash and they became teachers for the day. Over the summer I wished I had come up with this idea on my own. I’ve always told the students that I’m not the only teacher in the classroom. Each student is a teacher. Each student brings unique experiences and expertise to our class and when he or she shares those gifts, the rest of us receive new learning. Leland and Evan wanted to take over the class the first day of school, but I told them they needed to take a teaching course first. They came in several times during their lunch time and wrote lesson plans, practiced the lessons they would teach, and promised to be professional. On Friday they came dressed in ties, greeted the students at the door, conducted circle, gave math lessons, spelling tests, and a volcano science lesson that Evan said, “had the crowd going crazy”. After a few giggles from the students seeing their new teachers, they settled in and were respectful to our guest teachers. The whole day was a real joy for me to see these third graders demonstrate such responsibility and see a little of myself in their teaching style. I was so impressed and excited by the entire experience that it will forever be a right of passage for every third grader to be teacher for the day. Thank you Leland and Evan for your wonderful gift. On Friday, November 7th we continued the tradition with Alan and Arthur taking over the teaching duties for the day. They did a marvelous job teaching multiplication to the first graders, division to the second graders, and algebra to the third graders, a fun science experiment, gave spelling tests, and more. The students and I were impressed on how peaceful and quietly everyone worked. It was a great day!
Our class is going to have a Thanksgiving potluck on Tuesday, November 25 from 12:10-1:30 with Mr. Harjehausen’s class. Students will be making placemats, cooking, and preparing for our guests. In addition to the items we make, students may bring an item to share. So we don’t have 24 Jell-O molds, we will have first graders bring fruit or a salad or a Jell-O mold, second graders a dessert, and third graders a main dish item. Parents are welcome to join us for the feast. This should be a fun event to get to know our neighbors and celebrate our blessings.
The next field trip will be on Thursday, December 11. We will walk to the Performing Arts Center to see the musical, “Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great”. We have been enjoying Judy Blume’s book in class. We will leave at about 11:20 and return at about 1:20. I have included permission slips in today’s folder.
On Thursday, December 18 we will celebrate a successful first semester with a pool party at West High Pool. We will drive to West High Pool at 12:45 and return at 3:00. I am sending this permission slip home today as well. Please note the due date for the permission slip as Friday, December 5. The school district needs my list of driving chaperones over a week ahead of time to have everyone checked for insurance requirements. Thank you to Finn and Jessie’s grandparents for generously sponsoring this pool party. We really appreciate it!
I have sent homework home in today’s folder, but it will not be due until Friday, December 5. There is no homework next week and I will not send home a folder due to the Thanksgiving holiday. 
My parents will be visiting from Walla Walla, Washington and I am taking Wednesday, November 26 off to spend some time with them. Please remind your child to be on their best behavior for our visiting teacher that day. I have had nothing but excellent reports from the other visiting teachers I’ve had in the past. I expect the same this time as well. Thanks for your support.
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. It is just a time for us to gather with friends and family and reflect on the many things we are thankful for. I am very thankful for your support at home with your children, all the volunteers that help listen to students read, make copies, are able to join us on field trips, and everything else that makes my job so enjoyable. I am thankful for such a great group of students who care about each other, work well together, and are not afraid to make mistakes and learn from them. I hope you all have a very happy and healthy Thanksgiving holiday.
            If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at or call or write me a note.


Craig Moyer

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Deer in headlights.

A rabbit doing his penmanship.

I love math! Can't you tell by the look on my face?

Math is easy!

Having fun building with our canned foods!

Look what I built.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Dear Parents,

         We have another field trip scheduled on Tuesday, November 18 when we walk to the Performing Arts Center to see “National Geographic Live! The Lens of Adventure” which is a free trip! We will leave the school at about 9:45 and return at about 12:15. Chaperones please meet in Room 177 by 9:30.
         The students have had fun building and rebuilding our assortment of canned pumpkin and cranberry sauce for our Thanksgiving Food Drive. Please continue to send in cans until Friday, November 21. I think the students are planning to build some kind of jail cell for me, so if you don’t hear from me next week please check in Room 177 and see if I need help getting out. Thanks.
Our class is going to have a Thanksgiving potluck on Tuesday, November 25 from 12:10-1:30 with Mr. Harjehausen’s class. Students will be making placemats, cooking, and preparing for our guests. In addition to the items we make, students may bring an item to share. So we don’t have 24 Jell-O molds, we will have first graders bring fruit or a salad or a Jell-O mold, second graders a dessert, and third graders a main dish item. Parents are welcome to join us for the feast. This should be a fun event to get to know our neighbors and celebrate our blessings.
The students have had a great week working on the fundamental needs of humans, spelling, math operations and facts, adverbs, writing, contractions, reading, geometry, penmanship, and more.
         If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail me at or call or write me a note.


Craig Moyer

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Add caption
Legos, legos everywhere.
Bubble fun!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Dear Parents,

         The students had a great time yesterday at the museum creating structures that would survive an earthquake and creating their own structures as well. The students were so engaged I think the chaperones and I could have left and they wouldn’t have noticed. The problem was I don’t know whom I had a harder time getting out of the building area when our time was done, the students or the parents. We also enjoyed exploring all there was to do in the Imaginarium. The students were excellent representatives of Denali Montessori on the trip. Well done! Thank you again to all the chaperones that were able to join us. You make it possible to do all these fun learning experiences.  
         We have another field trip scheduled on Tuesday, November 18 when we walk to the Performing Arts Center to see “National Geographic Live! The Lens of Adventure” which is a free trip! We will leave the school at about 9:45 and return at about 12:15. I have sent this permission slip in today’s folder.
         Denali Montessori is holding a canned food drive for Thanksgiving items for the Food Bank. It’s a little different this year. The Food Bank has specific needs for the holiday and each class has chosen specific items to fill those needs. Our class has been asked to bring canned cranberry sauce and canned pumpkin. We will build a giant structure in the classroom (something along the lines of Stonehenge I’m sure) with the cans until the end of the drive on Friday, November 21. I appreciate your donations ahead of time.
The students have had a great week working on the measurement of time, spelling, math operations, prepositions, writing, reading, penmanship, and more. This class is really impressive in their work habits, how they work with each other, and their love for learning. I am having a great time working with your kids. Thank you for all your hard work you do at home with them.
         If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail me at or call or write me a note.


Craig Moyer